Right now, Scooby (who I believe to be the most incredible rescue dog on the planet) is happily sitting on my lap, making it hard to type, but also hard to be depressed about the state of the world. There are no thoughts of Omicron rising or climate change looming in his pretty little head. He’s just happy to have a warm lap, a full belly, and a few chew toys to destroy later in the day.
We have a lot we can learn from dogs. They eat when they see food and never worry about their weight; They love going outside and romping around in the mud, snow and leaves and never worry about getting dirty; They can spot a friend (dog lover) a mile away and never worry about making a bad impression, and they scratch wherever and whenever the itch. (Okay, maybe that last bit could be problematic, but what the heck). Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could all just take a little time each day to tune out the news, put away the devices, and just live a dog’s life?
So that’s my New Year’s wish for you. Turn off the computer, go outside, eat something delicious, and hug someone you love. Every. Single. Day.
Oh and read. Read a lot. Because the more we read, the more we learn, imagine, and (hopefully) laugh.
Much love to you in ’22.